GU_SetGadgetAttrsA -- Change the attributes of a GadTools gadget.

	GU_SetGadgetAttrsA(gad, win, req, taglist)
	                   A0    A1  A2   A3

	VOID GU_SetGadgetAttrsA(struct Gadget *, struct Window *,
				struct Requester *, struct TagItem *);

	Change the attributes of the specified gadget, according to the
	attributes chosen in the tag list. If an attribute is not provided
	in the tag list, its value remains the unchanged. This function
	also stores some information for the hotkey part of the library.

	Use this in place of the gadtools function GT_SetGadgetAttrsA().

	gad - pointer to the gadget in question. This address may be NULL,
	      in which case this function does nothing.

	win - pointer to the window containing the gadget. Starting with
	      V39 (of the OS), this value may be NULL, in which case the
	      internal attributes of the gadgets are altered but no
	      rendering occurs.

	req - reserved for future use, should always be NULL.

	taglist - pointer to an array of tags providing optional extra
		  parameters, or NULL.

	See the GadTools function GT_SetGadgetAttrsA() for all tags, since
	this is an extended version of that routine.

	This function may not be called inside of a GU_BeginRefesh() /
	GU_EndRefresh() session. (as always, restrict yourself to simple
	rendering functions).

	gadtools/GT_SetGadgetAttrsA(), GU_GetGadgetAttrsA()

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